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Sacred Jewellery to support you through times of change. Gemstones and beads are cleansed, ready to be programmed by you & filled with your intent.



Highly valued healing stone, full of grounding energy. It can connect you deeply to the vibrations of the earth, understanding nature. It helps you be less judgemental and know on a soul level we are all connected. In native american culture they say its the blood of the earth and therefore sacred. 
A stone of physical strength and energy, Red Jasper stimulates gently and steadily, enhancing stamina and endurance, and increasing the amount of chi, or life force, in one’s aura. It is a stone of health and passion, and brings the courage to face unpleasant tasks and to rectify unjust situations. It provides vivid dream recall, and is a powerful stone for those who work with Earth energies to make a deep connection with Earth spirits and guardians of the ley lines and sacred sites.

Red Jasper Earrings

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