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Sacred Jewellery to support you through times of change.

Gemstones and beads cleansed in the sea water, ready to be programmed by you &  filled with your intent.


This talisman removes blockages in your body so energy can flow smoothly, amplifing ones psychic abilities and powers of manifestation.


Clear quartz:

Known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention and the qualities of crystals close to it. A stone of manifestation, which energises and activates energy centres in the body. Helps you think clearly, allowing you to focus and get clear about dreams and desires. Helps remove blockages in your body so energy can flow smoothly. Spiritually Quartz is an excellent stone for psychic healing. It can assist in balancing all chakras, aligning subtle bodies and is great for assisting meditation and spiritual communication. It is also a great stone for protecting the aura and enhancing psychic abilities. It absorbs all negative energy of all kinds including radiation and electromagnetic smog.

Clear Quartz Sphere Necklace

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